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This hot robot says she wants to destroy humans | CNN Robot says it will wipe the human race!

fiksa100 Дата публикации 19.03.2016 16:08


Продолжительность: 02:15 / размер: 6.46 Мб
 / 0 оценок
Текущая оценка: 0.0
Количество просмотров просмотры: 261
Illuminati Robot says they want to murder the human race! CNN's robot says they will wipe the human race! Robot says they'll wipe the human race on CNN!

Тэги Тэги: robot says it'll wipe the human race this hot robot says she wants to destroy humans robot says she will wipe the human race robot says she will kill huma...

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Всего просмотров: 261
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