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i3D — Head Tracking for iPad: Glasses-Free 3D Display

masterofpoem Дата публикации 05.03.2012 15:50


Продолжительность: 01:58 / размер: 12.46 Мб
i3D — Head Tracking for iPad: Glasses-Free 3D Display
 / 1 оценок
Текущая оценка: 5.0
Количество просмотров просмотры: 984
Head-Coupled Perspective on Mobile Devices. We track the head of the user with the front facing camera in order to create a glasses-free monocular 3D display...

Тэги Тэги: iphone apple ipod head app camera display front nintendo face mobile ... perspective tracking coupled hcp i3d monocular francone 3ds dsi

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